How to Enroll in Services with a Career Counselor
Getting Started
Take the following steps, then contact your nearest AJCC to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with a Career Development Specialist to review eligibility and available services.
Step 1:
Complete the CalJOBS Registration.
- How to Register in CalJOBS - English | Spanish
- How to enter Employment History in CalJOBS - English | Spanish
Step 2:
Review the list of documents required to determine eligibility and receive services.
Step 3:
Complete the WIOA Eligibility Worksheet - English | Spanish
Call to set up an appointment, then provide the Worksheet to your Career Counselor.
Complete the CalJOBS Eligibility Explorer Pre-Application - English | Spanish coming soon
- This helps determine if you qualify for services under various federal programs and provides the ability to provide information and securely upload documents.
- Once completed, call to set up an appointment.
After you have reviewed/completed the above information and registered in CalJOBS, please call to set up an appointment at your nearest center or email your application to the address below. Please notify us if you have submitted your documentation through the secure CalJOBS Message Center or you have completed the Eligibility Explorer pre-application.
951-955-3100 833-391-0507

Learn More
Our Services
We can assist you with most enrollment services through a combination of over the phone, email, internet web meetings, and the CalJOBS Message Center. Our staff are also available for in-person sessions by appointment. The CalJOBS Message Center is a secure system for sending documents. Do not send your personal information, such as your social security number, via email.
Individual eligibility for enrollment and services is based on Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) guidance, State of California directives and Riverside County Workforce Development Division policies. Individuals must meet eligibility guidelines to be eligible for services. Training is not guaranteed.