Who We Are
Riverside County Workforce Development (WD) is a Division of the County of Riverside Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions (HWS). HWS was formed in 2020 by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in response to the need to focus on innovative ways to elevate social and economic opportunity in Riverside County. HWS consists of the following agencies: Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR), County of Riverside Community and Housing Development (CHD), Riverside County Workforce Development (WD), Community Action Partnership of Riverside County (CAP), and Continuum of Care (CoC).
The Riverside County Workforce Development Board (WDB) provides oversight for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs in the county. The WDB acts as a catalyst to provide seamless services among various workforce programs, and provides community leadership around workforce issues.

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What We Do
We help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. The five ways in which we carry out our role:
- CONVENER - Bring together business, labor, education, and economic development to focus on community workforce issues.
- WORKFORCE ANALYST - Develop, disseminate and understand current labor market and economic information and trends.
- BROKER - Bring together systems to solve common problems, or broker new relationships with businesses and workers.
- COMMUNITY VOICE - Advocate for the importance of workforce policy, providing perspective needs for skilled workers.
- CAPACITY BUILDING - Enhance the region's ability to meet the workforce needs of local employers.
We accomplish these tasks through America's Job Centers of California, better known as the Riverside County Workforce Development Centers (WDCs). The WDCs are the hub of the county-wide service delivery vehicle for workforce, education and business services..