Services to Help Your Business Reach Your Goals
The Employer Services team can provide numerous services to employers to help achieve their workforce goals.
Contact us today to access some of our specialized services to help grow your workforce:
For more information contact us at 833-303-4333
Business Analysis
Business Solutions Consultants will help you assess your business and workforce needs.
Business Resources and Referrals
A wide variety of resources and referrals to assist your business.
Recruitment Services
Assistance to find skilled, qualified candidates includes prescreening, candidate assessment, and testing as well posting job openings.
Assistance to help you offset the costs of training new employees or retraining your existing employees.
Outplacement Services
Resources and referrals for businesses and workers affected by a lay off or closure.
Access information about labor market trends, statistics, and economic and demographic data.
Find information on HR related topics, such as news, trends, employee policies, and problem resolution.
Find information on federal programs such as OSHA, Social Security, IRS, wage reporting, labor statistics and commerce.
For more information call 833-303-4333
Intensive business services also are available including individual recruitment plans, skill assessment, occupational profiles, and employer seminars.
Business Solutions staff in the Workforce Development Centers provide on-site information and assistance to both employers that are downsizing and to their affected employees.
Businesses projecting layoffs are eligible for assistance from the Workforce Development Centers through outplacement services. Services for affected workers can include career counseling, job searches, career seminars, career clubs and referrals.