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Riverside Job Fair - America’s Job Center of CA (AJCC)

1325 Spruce Street, Riverside, CA 92507


Event Details



• Resumes

• Dress for Success

• Registration Required

Participating Companies:

1. ATI Windows (Riverside)* 2. CalTrans (IE)* 3. Complete Coach Works (Riverside)* 4. Dignity Memorial (IE)* 5. FedEx (Rialto) 6. Inland SoCal United Way (IE) 7. Kaiser Permanente (IE) 8. Riverside Co. Dep. of Public Social Services (Riverside) 9. Riverside County Office of Education (Riverside) 10.United States Border Patrol (SoCal) 11.UCR Extension (Riverside)* 12.Volvo Construction Equipment & Services (Riverside)*

* A confirmed companies (employers) may not be able to attend due to the last minute of staff shortage, conflict of events & time, and traffic (or may show up late)

Upcoming Events

This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program.  Equal Opportunity Notice.  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.  Please call 951.955.3100, 951.955.3744 TTY, CA Relay 711, or [email protected] 5 to 7 days in advance.